Support Our Shared Cause:
engaging the public with the King of Instruments!
Orgelkids USA is a all-volunteer 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization. Your tax-deductible donation helps us further our mission: engaging the public with the pipe organ by empowering them to build one and helping grow a nationwide network of these innovative kits.
All donations to Orgelkids USA are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Our Tax ID Number is 81-3689383.
Donations can be made via check mailed to Orgelkids USA 3820 NW Hayes Avenue, Corvallis, OR 97330, or donations can be made via credit card using PayPal’s secure online donation form:
Current Emphases:
- Curriculum Development: We are partnering with a national-award winning science teacher to develop STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) curriculum for Orgelkids, which (POOF!) gives you STEAM. STEAM lesson plans tap the rich interdisciplinary aspects of the pipe organ and serve as the Trojan horse to get the organ into schools lacking music programs. And, while we work for free, we shouldn’t expect the science teacher to.
- ACCOMPLISHED: Organ Bike!!! Though we sure would like to be able to add the logo of the American Guild of Organists to our bike’s sponsors sign!
- ACCOMPLISHED: We have two organ kits but one travel (ATA) case. As demand increases for introductory visits, a second travel case would help introduce more communities to the joy and importance of having a local kit. An ATA case costs $725. ACCOMPLISHED! Thank you to Boston AGO.
Know of grants to which we should apply? Let us know!
Thank you!
Thank You to Our Partners: